SaaSDay Documentation Home

Getting Started

Get started quickly with SaaSDay by following these steps:

  1. Clone the SaaSDay repository from github:

Clone the repository from github

git clone [YOUR_APP_NAME]
pnpm install
git remote remove origin

SaaSDay requires Node 18.17 or greater. Type node -v in your terminal to check version. To download and install node visit (opens in a new tab).


Copy the .env.example file in the root of project folder to .env.local and update the values for the environment variables.

For detailed instructions on setting up the environment variables, refer to the Configuration section.

Database Setup


Vercell provides a free database service called Vercel Postgres using You can use this for your database. go to the Vercel Dashboard (opens in a new tab) and click on the Databases tab to create a new database.

💡 offers provides a free database service called NeonDB. You can use this for your database. go to the NeonDB (opens in a new tab) and click on the Databases tab to create a new database.

Copy the connection string and update the DATABASE_URL in the .env.local file.

Run the Application locally

pnpm run dev

Open http://localhost:3001 (opens in a new tab) on the browser to see the app running.


Chrome is preferred browser for development. Download and install Chrome from here (opens in a new tab). Also install (optional) the React Developer Tools extension from here (opens in a new tab).